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Iberian Herb Cheese

Craxi raw milk Gouda cheese with Iberian herbs.

Gouda cheese made from raw cow’s milk with Iberian herbs.

The Iberian Peninsula, which includes Spain and Portugal, is known for its rich culinary traditions and flavorful spices. But what happens when you combine Gouda farmer’s cheese with the rich aromas of Iberian herbs? Then you get a special tasty cheese with a unique and unforgettable taste!

Craxi Gouda farmer’s cheese with Iberian herbs (basil, thyme, black pepper, onion, paprika, garlic, and sun dried tomato) brings a burst of flavors to the table. Whether enjoyed on its own or incorporated into a variety of dishes.

The versatility of our Craxi artisan Gouda cheese with Iberian herbs extends beyond just the cheese board. This delicious combination can be used as an ingredient in various dishes. Think of a creamy cheese fondue, or a savory cheese quiche in salads, omelets, or pasta.

The price (VAT included) for our Craxi artisan Gouda with Iberian herbs.

Gouda Cheese with HerbsCheese Wheel WeightPrice Per Cheese Wheel
Craxi Gouda with Iberian herbs± 0. 500 g€ 9.60

Size Craxi Gouda cheese wheel.

Craxi artisanal Gouda cheese with Iberian herbs
Gouda Cheese WheelHeight Gouda Cheese WheelDiameter Gouda Cheese Wheel
Craxi Gouda with Iberian herbs±7.0 cm±10.3 cm

Artisan Craxi Gouda cheese with aromatic fine herbs & spices.

Small artisan Gouda Herb Cheeses, small Gouda cheese wheels with a weight of ±500gr or ±1 kilo, Dutch Gouda farmer's cheeses with spices and aromatic herbs

Check out our range of traditional raw milk Dutch Gouda cheese with aromatic fine herbs.

  1. Craxi Gouda with Chilies
  2. Craxi Gouda with Garlic
  3. Craxi Gouda with Cumin Seeds
  4. Craxi Gouda with Italian Herbs
  5. Craxi Gouda with Fenugreek Seeds
  6. Craxi Gouda with Red Pesto Herbs
  7. Craxi Gouda with Black Summer Truffle
  8. Craxi Gouda with Iberian Herbs
  9. Craxi Gouda with Green Pesto Herbs

Do you have a question, please feel free to contact us via our contact form on the website or use the Whatsapp button.

Craxi Gouda cheese shop location in the historic center of Málaga city (Near La plaza de la Merced):

  • Mercado de la Merced
  • Stall 14
  • Calle Merced, 4
  • 29012 Málaga, Spain

Are you unable to visit our cheese shop in Malaga? Then you can order this artisanal Gouda cheese with Iberian herbs easily and safely online via our cheese webshop.

Craxi Gouda farmer’s cheese is a Guaranteed Traditional Specialty. Our Craxi farmer’s Gouda cheese with aromatic fine herbs & spices are still made traditionally with raw cow’s milk on the cheese farm in the Netherlands.

Craxi Gouda farmer's cheese natural with a ripening period from 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 36 months & Craxi Gouda with herbs, garlic cheese & red and green pesto cheese, black truffle cheese, cumin cheese, fenugreek cheese, cheese with Iberian herbs, cheese with Italian herbs and cheese with chilies

Find us on Facebook, Craxi Queso.